The Romanticization of the
Civil Rights Movement is
Damaging Our Society
The damage of all of this put simply, is that black people are dying, lacking in basic opportunities meant to be provided to everyone, and the self-worth and esteem of black children and people are set at an all time low.
CNN. "Subconious racial bias in children." Youtube. Youtube, 6 April 2012. Web. 6 December 2015.
This video simply a more complex version of the one above. It asks the same questions, but in a different way. It shows that three years ago (two years later than the above video) teens and children generally do not trust those outside of their race.
CNN. "Inside the AC360 doll study." Youtube. Youtube, 17 May 2010. Web. 6 December 2015.
This video from five years ago shows a version of the Doll Test, which was study used in the case Brown v. Board of Education. The study proved that children were not color blind, and even children the black children were racially biased against their own race. The results have not changed.
There is no way to fix these ideas and biases in children and young adults without help from media. Recently a movement began that presented "Black Out Days." These are days where black people post pictures of themselves on social media, or pictures of black people that they admire. It has been a way to bring representation of all types of black people to social media that would not have been there before. This movement is inspiring and has already changed lives and help to rebuild the self esteem of black people and children, but this alone won't fix the racial bias that fills our entire society until this representation moves past social media to all other areas of life. It will take everyone's help to heal our society.

Chescaleigh. "Here's Why #BlackOutDay was so Incredible." Youtube. Youtube, 9 March 2015. Web. 6 December 2015.